
#5 Design and Linearity

#GentlemenAttitude by ENTRE AMIS

A Made-in-Italy icon, the ENTRE AMIS GENTLEMAN has always been a man in constant pursuit of elegance and perfection not only in dress, but also in daily lifestyle.

The refinement and originality under the banner of which GENTLEMAN ENTRE AMIS lives, and the will to rebel against the rules of society, do not lead to a fixed aesthetic, but lead to a continuous evolution and new aesthetic sensibility, which finds inspiration in design and has as its ultimate result a completely personal and unique style.

Increasingly, GENTLEMAN ENTRE AMIS is sensitive to the combination of "fashion and design" as a symbol of Made in Italy, to connote a style that represents excellence in the world.

ENTRE AMIS' semi-sartorial O'MAST collection, with its perfect fit and the linearity and cleanliness of its creations recalls by exaltation, aesthetic sensitivity and flair for new stylistic codes, a work of design capable of arousing emotions.

Fashion and design are the undisputed stars of cultural events such as the Milan Triennale. The Triennale, has 80 years of history and promotion of artistic culture on its shoulders. Over the years it has succeeded in establishing itself and highlighting the exceptional nature of Italian design and what later became the "myth" of Made in Italy by shining the spotlight on sectors such as fashion, cinema and other creative expressions.

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